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Story of Salvalat

2010First tests carried out on animals using systems not yet engineered.The product injected into the udder via the teat has very positive results.
2013-2014CNT Lab opens a laboratory in Italy.Over 300 formulations studied and tested.
2015Start of the “Mastercow” project and an operating agreement is signed with Genesi Project, under the supervision of veterinarian, Dr. Corrado Caroli.The agreement involves creating a spray can to send the product into the teat more easily.
2017Preparation of formulations with SynthAg colloidal silver, glycolic iodine and citric acid. Numerous laboratory tests (MICRO-B) show 100% efficacious activity both at 10ppm and at 5ppm of Ag (SynthAg) with exposure times of 2h on microbic populations of up to 10^6.E. Coli; S. Aureus; E. fecalis; C. albicans are used in exposure time studies. First tests with Genesi Project begin in order to look for any residues in the milk.
2018 - 2019Mastercow project presented to the EU for Horizon2020 co-financing. Mastercow receives the first green light from the EU and its first Seal of Excellence from the EU.The product is not mixed with gas in the spray can.
2020The Mastercow project is awarded its second Seal of Excellence.Tests are halted due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
2021Beginning of operational relations with veterinarian, Dr. Marzio Schianchi, who is entrusted with samples of the Mastercow project and carries out tests for technical and commercial purposes.The nervous reaction witnessed in some animals during product application turns out to be caused by the slightly acidic pH which is then corrected.
January and February 2022The Mastercow Project changes its name to “Salvalat”. The definitive method of Salvalt application is via a 3-hole catheter and the use of a spray can specially designed with Everton. The 200-ml aluminum can contains 150 ml of intramammary lavage and 50ml of inert nitrous oxide as a propellant.The effectiveness of the product is confirmed by a recovery statistic close to 80%. Of the three projects conceived in 2018, two are taken to completion: “Salvalat” and “Salvalat Forte”.
May 2022Beginning of operational relations with veterinarian, Dr. Marzio Schianchi, who is entrusted with samples of the Mastercow project and carries out tests for technical and commercial purposes.Agreements are made with Everton for industrial production.
December 2022The first industrial production of the product is placed on the market.Both Salvalat and Salvalat Forte are delivered to the distributor.

Synoptic table of the 2012/2022 tests

PERIODPRODUCT USED FOR TESTN°of clinical mastitis casesN° of sub-clinical mastitis casesPhysiological recuperation*% Physiological recuperationComplete recovery% Complete recoveryTotal complete recovery- + physiological recuperation*
2012SPRAY BY MACHINE10805551%3532%83%
2015SPRAY GAS - CITRU20201230%615%45%
2015SPRAY GAS MASTERCOW22401829%1423%52%
2016SPRAY GAS - PEG131014%835%39%
2018SPRAY BAG ON VALVE - MC QR2071037%519%56%
2018SPRAY BAG ON VALVE - MC QR 340112243%1122%65%
2018SPRAY BAG ON VALVE - MC CITRUS88744%00%44%
2020SPRAY WITH NITROGEN * - IODOSKIN106638%319%56%
2021SPRAY WITH NITROGEN * - CUCUMBER 400811526%737%63%
2021SPRAY WITH NITROGEN * - CUCUMBER 200820518%1657%75%
2022SPRAY WITH NITROGEN - CUCUMBER 1501415621%1862%83%

* Return to physiological conditions close to 200,000 cells, well below the legal limits.